Small Business

Celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month with our UX Designer - Santiago Pirez Velasco

Hispanic Heritage Month is a time for reflection and celebration of our diverse and vibrant cultures. To gain a unique perspective on this occasion, we sat down with Santiago, our talented UX designer, whose work has had a remarkable impact on shaping the FlumePay app.

Oct 12, 2023

Celebrating LatinX and Hispanic Heritage Month with our UX Designer - Santiago Pirez Velasco

LatinX and Hispanic Heritage Month is a time for reflection and celebration of our diverse and vibrant cultures. For a unique perspective, we sat down with Santiago, our talented user experience designer, whose work has had a remarkable impact on shaping the FlumePay web and iOS apps.

Born in Mexico, and now working at our headquarters located in Maine, it’s instantly clear to everyone on the Flume team how much he has contributed to the overall customer experience of the FlumePay apps and our team's journey in creating it.

In today’s blog, Santiago shares his thoughts on how his heritage has influenced his career, and the importance of diversity in the workplace.

What does your LatinX and Hispanic heritage mean to you and how do you celebrate it?

Santiago: It's really all about September 15, Mexican Independence Day, when we usually celebrate with friends and family. Since moving to the US, I’ve always tried to be proud of myself and proud of being from Mexico, and making my family and friends proud with what I do every day.

How has your heritage influenced your experiences in the workplace?

Santiago: The most influential thing you learn from Mexico, and specifically from my family, is that if you work hard and do your best you will always be rewarded. I always look at where I am and feel that way. I think this is really something that I carry with me and I try to do my best every day.

How do you feel your background and heritage contribute to the diversity and strength of our team/company?

Santiago: I personally think that it’s my mind, knowledge, and both personal and professional experiences that are contributing to the company. I happen to come from a diverse and very different background than most from the company, which I think helps, but I could say that about anyone, since we all have different backgrounds and we all bring our best values and experiences to work.

Are there any LatinX/Hispanic role models or figures who inspire you, and why?

Santiago: I think every time I see anyone from Mexico making any big achievements in places where you don’t see many, I always feel very passionate and proud about it. People like this would be Checo Perez in Formula 1, Iñaki Godoy in One Piece, Alfonso Cuarón one of my favorite directors, especially since he directed one of the Harry Potter movies, and many others. Overall, when I see them being successful it inspires me to keep trying.

What career advice would you give to other individuals of LatinX/Hispanic heritage?

Santiago: I think for any individual, Hispanic or not, my advice is to work hard, do your best, and give it your all. If you are in the US, it’s definitely a place of opportunity and you will be rewarded if you do all of this every day.